Wood Pellets Wales IntroDue to the massive rise in the cost of household fuels, CS Waste has expanded with the opening of a sister company, Wood Pellets Wales. This company deals with the production and sales of Wood Pellets for industrial and domestic heating.
Product Wood pellets are produced in an advanced process using recycled wood from local sources. In the past, this waste wood was sent to landfill, but using the above process, it can be recycled and used as a fuel for heating the home. This process has been popular across Europe for many years due to the low emissions and cost.
Benefit's of Wood Pellets By using wood pellets, you will not only be saving the environment, you will also be saving money!
When wood is burned in the presence of oxygen it produces carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is one of the main greenhouse gases responsible for climate change. However, the amount of carbon dioxide released is no greater than the amount absorbed by the tree when it is growing.
Even allowing for emissions of CO2 in planting, harvesting, processing and transporting the fuel, replacing fossil fuel energy with wood will typically reduce net CO2 emissions by over 90%.
Contact Us If you are interested in ordering wood pellets or would just like to speak to us about your wood pellet requirements, please feel free to contact us using the details on the contact us page.
Also, please feel free to check out our new website: www.woodpelletswales.co.uk